How to get started
Exploring a new product doesn't have to be overwhelming nor time-consuming. Here is what you need to know to get started with Archbee.
First and foremost, you need an account. You'll most likely get invited by your organization or you can create an account.
Then, you need to get familiarized with only 2 primary areas that you will interact with when using the product:
Let's go through each one.

The left sidebar navigation panel is where you organize your content. This is where you will create Spaces (1) and Documents (2), Import content (7), Invite people to the organization (6), define Dynamic Components (9), Create Templates (10), and manage Archives (11), captured flows and converted markdown with Chrome Extension (18), uploaded file in File Manager (19).
Here are some actions you can take to get started:
- Create a new Space - click the + button to add a new Space, and give it a name.
- Drag and drop to organize - as you build your product knowledge hub, move Spaces or Documents to the desired position.
At the top of the document area, you have a context menu for the Document options (12). Just click on the 3 dots ⫶ open the entire list of available options like:
- Document info View details about the document, including author, creation date, and last modified.
- Ping team member Notify a team member about the document.
- Share Invite others to view or collaborate on the document.
- Copy Markdown to clipboard Copy the document's Markdown code to the clipboard.
- Spellcheck Enable spell checking to help identify and correct errors in the document. We also allow Grammarly to get on top of our editor and suggest corrections and improvements.
- Full width editor Expand the writing area of the editor to use the full width of the screen.
Ready to explore the full potential of Archbee? Dive deeper into our features and learn how to create stunning documentation:

Learn How to use the Editor

Manage your Documents, Spaces or Custom Domain