Archbee Concepts



An organization is similar to a company. Imagine you are a business owner with 2 businesses. Normally you would have to create 2 accounts with different email addresses and login logout to see the content you want at that moment. With Organizations you have a single account and the ability to switch between your Organizations (companies). Another scenario

  • You are employed by a company and also doing consultancy. Normally you would have to create 2 accounts, and login logout to see the content you want at the moment. With Organizations you have single account and the ability to switch between your Organizations (companies).

Another scenario

  • You are employed by a company which has a customer who also is present in Archbee with their own company. Normally you would need two accounts, but with Organizations, you can be in both and not have to re-login.

Organizations are also a way for a single account (email address) to be in multiple companies.

User groups

User groups are a way of grouping the users departments in a Organizations.

User groups are similar to departments.

For example you might want an Engineers group, Marketing group, and Management Group. You can do this with User Groups.

You can create custom User groups and assign users to them.

You can also use User Groups to assign access on Spaces, so they have different views of your Organizations.


Spaces are the main grouping of documents.

Each Space has a document tree that can be arranged in any way you wish, it's very flexible.

Spaces can be private to your Organizations OR public.

When it's public you can share it with

Public Spaces can also be protected with a password or with guest accounts (can be created for free, and are not part of your Organizations).

Access control

Access control allows you to define policies that give access (read and/or write) to certain user groups or to certain individual users.

Domain slots

A domain or subdomain slot lets you attach a public space to your subdomain (example: docs.yourcompany.com), and we host it for you generating SSL certificates and providing the same SLA as main app.

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