Space group


What is a Space Group?

You can think of Spaces as folders. We introduced Space Groups to easily group Spaces in By default, you will have one Space Group called Spaces, and you can create as many Space Groups as needed to organize your workspace efficiently.

How to create and manage Space Groups


Create a new Space Group using the New space group button

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Rename or Delete a Space Group from the 3 dots menu

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DELETE - a Space Group must be empty(not containing any spaces) in order for it to be Deleted


Reorder - Space Groups can be reordered by dragging and dropping them in the desired position

How to add Spaces to a Space Group

There are 3 ways to add a Space to a Space Group:


Create a new Space inside the Space Group

Document image


Move the Space to the Space Group from the Space's 3 dot menu

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Drag and drop the Space to the Space Group

Default Space Group SPACES can not be renamed or deleted for the moment

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Updated 14 Oct 2024
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