Manage the Organization
To manage an Organization, you need to go to Account Settings -> Organizations and maintain the following user groups.
Superadmin, Administrators, and Team members are default groups. In addition, you can define Custom groups.
Use the groups to control the access to each Space along with read/write permissions - Team Access Control
- Superadmin is a group for a single person and has permission to assign other administrators.
- The superadmin role is given to the user that created the Organization (signed up for Archbee).
- A superadmin can change the role to Administrator for any user.
- The superadmin role can be transferred to any other user.
- Administrators (and superadmins) can:
- invite and/or remove other team members;
- create user groups and assign them to users;
- setup permissions to Spaces for user groups or individual users;
- setup subscription and payment information.
- Team members can contribute to all shared spaces.
- When you invite a new user to Archbee, the default permission is set to Team members, and they will have access to all the Spaces.
- To change the role to a team member to Administrator, go to Account Settings -> Organizations -> Identify the team member -> Click the green plus sign ➕ under the GROUPS column and add them to Administrators.
- Custom groups can be created, which can be used to assign permissions in the Spaces settings area.
- A Superadmin or Administrator can create Custom Groups.
A superadmin can swap the role with any other team member.
Go to Account Settings -> Organizations -> Identify the team member -> Click on the green up arrow ⬆ to swap the role under the ACTIONS column.
Once the role is transferred, the action cannot be reverted.
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Updated 16 Jul 2024
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