Archbee has the following limits:
- any doc can have 500 blocks at most;
- any doc can have 1MB in size at most (does not include images and file uploads);
- any space can have 1000 docs at most.
These limitations might seem too harsh. However, when it comes to documents and document hierarchies, any online documentation platform is as good as its limits. We might gradually increase these limits in the future, but please do not expect any spectacular increase.
- Good limits allow for a better readability by enforcing good doc organization patterns;
- Good limits enable high performance and stability in your workspace and your generated doc sites;
- Good limits allow for better protection against bad actors trying to break the system by overloading it.
Upload limits:
- 8 MB limit for file upload;
- 8 MB limit for image upload
Import limits
- 1 MB for Markdown files
- 2 MB for Word docx
- 3 MB for OpenAPI files
- 3 MB for Postman collections
- 20 MB for zip files: notion zip file import, gitbook zip file import, markdown zip file import
Download limits
- 100 images for PDF export
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Updated 23 Oct 2024
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