How to style Archbee templates with CSS


Custom CSS is an option from the Custom Code feature that allows users to style their template.

You can style any of the following HTML elements that have a class that starts with ab-:

.ab-callout { } .ab-changeloc { } .ab-code-editor { } .ab-minitasker { } .ab-graphiql { } .ab-horizontal-divider { } .ab-jira { } .ab-map { } .ab-mermaid { } .ab-openapi { } .ab-vertical-split { } .ab-vertical-split-item { } .ab-video { } .ab-checklist { } .ab-blockquote { } .ab-diagram { } .ab-embed { } .ab-file { } .ab-iframe { } .ab-html { } .ab-image { } .ab-ul-list { } .ab-ol-list { } .ab-list-item { } .ab-list-item-child { } .ab-table { } .ab-space { } .ab-collection { } .ab-space-container { } .ab-collection-container { } .ab-top-navbar { } .ab-search-input { } .ab-public-search { } .ab-space-content { } .ab-collection-content { } .ab-tree-navigation { } .ab-tree-navigation-link { } .ab-tree-navigation-link-inactive { } .ab-doc-name { } .ab-h1 { } .ab-h2 { } .ab-h3 { } .ab-expandable-heading { } .ab-link { } .ab-link-dynamic { } .ab-nav-right { } .ab-nav-right-text { } .ab-bold { } .ab-code { } .ab-paragraph { } .ab-footer-container { }

When adding the CSS, please use the <style> tags in the Customs CSS field, like in the example below:

Customm CSS section
Customm CSS section

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