Node Types



The Editor object stores all the state of a slate editor. It can be extended by plugins to add helpers and implement new behaviors.


Instantiation methods

createEditor() => Editor

Note: This method is imported directly from Slate and is not part of the Editor object.

Creates a new, empty Editor object.

Static methods

Retrieval methods

Editor.above<T extends Ancestor>(editor: Editor, options?) => NodeEntry<T> | undefined

Get the ancestor above a location in the document.

Options: {at?: Location, match?: NodeMatch, mode?: 'highest' | 'lowest', voids?: boolean}

Editor.after(editor: Editor, at: Location, options?) => Point | undefined

Get the point after a location.

Options: {distance?: number, unit?: 'offset' | 'character' | 'word' | 'line' | 'block', voids?: boolean}

Editor.before(editor: Editor, at: Location, options?) => Point | undefined

Get the point before a location.

Options: {distance?: number, unit?: 'offset' | 'character' | 'word' | 'line' | 'block', voids?: boolean}

Editor.edges(editor: Editor, at: Location) => [Point, Point]

Get the start and end points of a location.

Editor.end(editor: Editor, at: Location) => Point

Get the end point of a location.

Editor.first(editor: Editor, at: Location) => NodeEntry

Get the first node at a location.

Editor.fragment(editor: Editor, at: Location) => Descendant[]

Get the fragment at a location.

Editor.last(editor: Editor, at: Location) => NodeEntry

Get the last node at a location.

Editor.leaf(editor: Editor, at: Location, options?) => NodeEntry

Get the leaf text node at a location.

Options: {depth?: number, edge?: 'start' | 'end'}

Editor.levels<T extends Node>(editor: Editor, options?) => Generator<NodeEntry<T>, void, undefined>

Iterate through all of the levels at a location.

Options: {at?: Location, match?: NodeMatch, reverse?: boolean, voids?: boolean}

Editor.marks(editor: Editor) => Omit<Text, 'text'> | null

Get the marks that would be added to text at the current selection.

Editor.next<T extends Descendant>(editor: Editor, options?) => NodeEntry<T> | undefined

Get the matching node in the branch of the document after a location.

Options: {at?: Location, match?: NodeMatch, mode?: 'all' | 'highest' | 'lowest', voids?: boolean}

Editor.node(editor: Editor, at: Location, options?) => NodeEntry

Editor.nodes<T extends Node>(editor: Editor, options?) => Generator<NodeEntry<T>, void, undefined>

Get the node at a location.

Options: depth?: number, edge?: 'start' | 'end'

Editor.nodes(editor: Editor, options?) => Generator<NodeEntry<T>, void, undefined>

Iterate through all of the nodes in the Editor.

Options: {at?: Location | Span, match?: NodeMatch, mode?: 'all' | 'highest' | 'lowest', universal?: boolean, reverse?: boolean, voids?: boolean}


  • 'all' (default): all matching nodes
  • 'highest': in a hierarchy of nodes, only return the highest level matching nodes
  • 'lowest': in a hierarchy of nodes, only return the lowest level matching nodes

Editor.parent(editor: Editor, at: Location, options?) => NodeEntry<Ancestor>

Get the parent node of a location.

Options: {depth?: number, edge?: 'start' | 'end'}

Editor.path(editor: Editor, at: Location, options?) => Path

Get the path of a location.

Options: {depth?: number, edge?: 'start' | 'end'}

Editor.pathRef(editor: Editor, path: Path, options?) => PathRef

Create a mutable ref for a Path object, which will stay in sync as new operations are applied to the editor.

Options: {affinity?: 'backward' | 'forward' | null}

Editor.pathRefs(editor: Editor) => Set<PathRef>

Get the set of currently tracked path refs of the editor.

Editor.point(editor: Editor, at: Location, options?) => Point

Get the start or end point of a location.

Options: {edge?: 'start' | 'end'}

Editor.pointRef(editor: Editor, point: Point, options?) => PointRef

Create a mutable ref for a Point object, which will stay in sync as new operations are applied to the editor.

Options: {affinity?: 'backward' | 'forward' | null}

Editor.pointRefs(editor: Editor) => Set<PointRef>

Get the set of currently tracked point refs of the editor.

Editor.positions(editor: Editor, options?) => Generator<Point, void, undefined>

Iterate through all of the positions in the document where a Point can be placed.

By default it will move forward by individual offsets at a time, but you can pass the unit: 'character' option to moved forward one character, word, or line at at time.

Note: By default void nodes are treated as a single point and iteration will not happen inside their content unless you pass in true for the voids option, then iteration will occur.

Options: {at?: Location, unit?: 'offset' | 'character' | 'word' | 'line' | 'block', reverse?: boolean, voids?: boolean}

Editor.previous<T extends Node>(editor: Editor, options?) => NodeEntry<T> | undefined

Get the matching node in the branch of the document before a location.

Options: {at?: Location, match?: NodeMatch, mode?: 'all' | 'highest' | 'lowest', voids?: boolean}

Editor.range(editor: Editor, at: Location, to?: Location) => Range

Get a range of a location.

Editor.rangeRef(editor: Editor, range: Range, options?) => RangeRef

Create a mutable ref for a Range object, which will stay in sync as new operations are applied to the editor.

Options: {affinity?: 'backward' | 'forward' | 'outward' | 'inward' | null}

Editor.rangeRefs(editor: Editor) => Set<RangeRef>

Get the set of currently tracked range refs of the editor.

Editor.start(editor: Editor, at: Location) => Point

Get the start point of a location.

Editor.string(editor: Editor, at: Location, options?) => string

Get the text string content of a location.

Note: by default the text of void nodes is considered to be an empty string, regardless of content, unless you pass in true for the voids option

Options: : {voids?: boolean}

Editor.void(editor: Editor, options?) => NodeEntry<Element> | undefined

Match a void node in the current branch of the editor.

Options: {at?: Location, mode?: 'highest' | 'lowest', voids?: boolean}

Manipulation methods

Editor.addMark(editor: Editor, key: string, value: any) => void

Add a custom property to the leaf text nodes in the current selection.

If the selection is currently collapsed, the marks will be added to the editor.marks property instead, and applied when text is inserted next.

Editor.deleteBackward(editor: Editor, options?) => void

Delete content in the editor backward from the current selection.

Options: {unit?: 'character' | 'word' | 'line' | 'block'}

Editor.deleteForward(editor: Editor, options?) => void

Delete content in the editor forward from the current selection.

Options: {unit?: 'character' | 'word' | 'line' | 'block'}

Editor.deleteFragment(editor: Editor) => void

Delete the content in the current selection.

Editor.insertBreak(editor: Editor) => void

Insert a block break at the current selection.

Editor.insertFragment(editor: Editor, fragment: Node[]) => void

Insert a fragment at the current selection.

If the selection is currently expanded, it will be deleted first.

Editor.insertNode(editor: Editor, node: Node) => void

Insert a node at the current selection.

If the selection is currently expanded, it will be deleted first.

Editor.insertText(editor: Editor, text: string) => void

Insert text at the current selection.

If the selection is currently expanded, it will be deleted first.

Editor.removeMark(editor: Editor, key: string) => void

Remove a custom property from all of the leaf text nodes in the current selection.

If the selection is currently collapsed, the removal will be stored on editor.marks and applied to the text inserted next.

Editor.unhangRange(editor: Editor, range: Range, options?) => Range

Convert a range into a non-hanging one.

Options: {voids?: boolean}

Check methods

Editor.hasBlocks(editor: Editor, element: Element) => boolean

Check if a node has block children.

Editor.hasInlines(editor: Editor, element: Element) => boolean

Check if a node has inline and text children.

Editor.hasTexts(editor: Editor, element: Element) => boolean

Check if a node has text children.

Editor.isBlock(editor: Editor, value: any) => value is Element

Check if a value is a block Element object.

Editor.isEditor(value: any) => value is Editor

Check if a value is an Editor object.

Editor.isEnd(editor: Editor, point: Point, at: Location) => boolean

Check if a point is the end point of a location.

Editor.isEdge(editor: Editor, point: Point, at: Location) => boolean

Check if a point is an edge of a location.

Editor.isEmpty(editor: Editor, element: Element) => boolean

Check if an element is empty, accounting for void nodes.

Editor.isInline(editor: Editor, value: any) => value is Element

Check if a value is an inline Element object.

Editor.isNormalizing(editor: Editor) => boolean

Check if the editor is currently normalizing after each operation.

Editor.isStart(editor: Editor, point: Point, at: Location) => boolean

Check if a point is the start point of a location.

Editor.isVoid(editor: Editor, value: any) => value is Element

Check if a value is a void Element object.

Normalization methods

Editor.normalize(editor: Editor, options?) => void

Normalize any dirty objects in the editor.

Options: {force?: boolean}

Editor.withoutNormalizing(editor: Editor, fn: () => void) => void

Call a function, deferring normalization until after it completes.

Schema-specific instance methods to override

Replace these methods to modify the original behavior of the editor when building Plugins. When modifying behavior, call the original method when appropriate. For example, a plugin that marks image nodes as "void":


Element type methods

Use these methods so that Slate can identify certain elements as inlines or voids.

isInline(element: Element) => boolean

Check if a value is an inline Element object.

isVoid(element: Element) => boolean

Check if a value is a void Element object.

Normalize method

normalizeNode(entry: NodeEntry) => void

Normalize a Node according to the schema.

Callback method

onChange() => void

Called when there is a change in the editor.

Mark methods

addMark(key: string, value: any) => void

Add a custom property to the leaf text nodes in the currentk selection. If the selection is currently collapsed, the marks will be added to the editor.marks property instead, and applied when text is inserted next.

removeMark(key: string) => void

Remove a custom property from the leaf text nodes in the current selection.

getFragment method

getFragment() => Descendant

Returns the fragment at the current selection. Used when cutting or copying, as an example, to get the fragment at the current selection.

Delete methods

When a user presses backspace or delete, it invokes the method based on the selection. For example, if the selection is expanded over some text and the user presses the backspace key, deleteFragment will be called but if the selecttion is collapsed, deleteBackward will be called.

deleteBackward(options?: {unit?: 'character' | 'word' | 'line' | 'block'}) => void

Delete content in the editor backward from the current selection.

deleteForward(options?: {unit?: 'character' | 'word' | 'line' | 'block'}) => void

Delete content in the editor forward from the current selection.

deleteFragment() => void

Delete the content of the current selection.

Insert methods

insertFragment(fragment: Node[]) => void

Insert a fragment at the current selection. If the selection is currently expanded, delete it first.

insertBreak() => void

Insert a block break at the current selection. If the selection is currently expanded, delete it first.

insertNode(node: Node) => void

Insert a node at the current selection. If the selection is currently expanded, delete it first.

insertText(text: string) => void

Insert text at the current selection. If the selection is currently expanded, delete it first.

Operation handling method

apply(operation: Operation) => void

Apply an operation in the editor.

Updated 08 May 2024
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