
Using the Bundled Source


For most folks, you'll want to install Slate via npm, in which case you can follow the regular Installing Slate guide.

But, if you'd rather install Slate by simply adding a <script> tag to your application, this guide will help you. To make the "bundled" use case simpler, each version of Slate ships with a bundled source file called slate.js.

To get a copy of slate.js, download the version of slate you want from npm:


And then look in the node_modules folder for the bundled slate.js file:


A minified version called slate.min.js is also included for convenience.

Before you can add slate.js to your page, you need to bring your own copy of react, react-dom and react-dom-server, like so:


This ensures that Slate isn't bundling its own copy of React, which would greatly increase the file size of your application.

Then you can add slate.js after those includes:


To make things easier, for quick prototyping, you can also use the unpkg.com delivery network that makes working with bundled npm modules easier. In that case, your includes would look like:


That's it, you're ready to go!

Updated 08 May 2024
Doc contributor
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