
GitHub 2-way sync



GitHub's 2-way sync feature allows for a bidirectional synchronization between GitHub repositories and Archbee. Unlike a traditional one-way sync, which only updates changes from a source to destination (Github to Archbee), 2-way sync ensures that changes made in both GitHub and Archbee are reflected on each platform.

Even though this is a 2-way sync system, we still consider GitHub as the absolute source of truth. We will open a PR, and whether you merge that request is up to you. Note that if you do merge it, the documents in Archbee will get updated.

Whether you're a developer, project manager, or collaborator, this feature allows you to seamlessly synchronize your GitHub repositories with Archbee, ensuring consistency across your workflows.

Get started 🏁

To enable the 2-way sync on your Archbee account, follow these steps:

  1. After the setup is done, you will be redirected to the Configurations page, and you should see the GitHub is connectedstatus.

Create a new space and write in GitHub ✍️

When you create a new Space, you can select a repository from the Write in GitHub option.

Write in GitHub
Write in GitHub

Select your Git repository and the branch you want to import and click Add Space at the bottom of the modal:

Select GitHub repo
Select GitHub repo

Once completed, you should receive a notification that your GitHub content has been imported.

Successful GitHub import
Successful GitHub import

Edit in GitHub 👈


In the Archbee Editor, click on the Edit in GitHub button and you will be redirected to your GitHub account.

Edit in GitHub button
Edit in GitHub button


Make your edits.


Click on Commit changes when ready.

Commit changes buttonE
Commit changes buttonE


Go back to Archbee. After you receive the notification in the lower right corner, the content should update in real-time.

Updating content notification
Updating content notification

Create a PR 👈


In the Archbee editor, click on the Edit button and the review system will be activated for your space.

Edit button
Edit button


Write/replace your content in Draft mode.


Once you've completed this, go to Publish Space in the top right corner. Select Push to Github Pull Request, and then Review & Push to Gitbub PRs to review.

Review&Push to GitHub PR button
Review&Push to GitHub PR button


Review your changes and if it's all good, hit the Push to GitHub PR button.

Push to GitHub PR button
Push to GitHub PR button


Use the Push to GitHub Pull Request button to open the pull request in your GitHub repository:

Push to GitHub PR link
Push to GitHub PR link


Review the changes in the GitHub repository.


Click on Merge Pull request -> Confirm Merge.

Merge pull request button
Merge pull request button


Go back to Archbee. Content will be updated in GitHub as soon as you receive this successful notification:

Content updated successful notification
Content updated successful notification

Select GitHub branch 🕎

To initiate the sync process, you need to select the specific branch in your GitHub repository that Archbee will monitor for changes. Subsequently, you need to open pull requests in this designated branch to trigger the sync mechanism.

If that doesn't work automatically, you can force sync by navigating to Space settings > GitHub integration > click the Sync with repo button.

Select GitHub branch
Select GitHub branch

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