Editor Blocks

Expandable Headings


Expandable headings are a way to organize your documentation content and improve readability. They allow you to create sections that can be expanded or collapsed by users, making it easier to find specific information.

Why use expandable headings?

  • Improved organization Expandable headings help break down complex topics into manageable sections.
  • Enhanced readability Users can focus on relevant information by expanding or collapsing sections.
  • FAQ-style format Expandable headings are ideal for creating FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) sections in your documentation.

How to add a expandable heading

There are tree ways to create expandable headings in Archbee:

  • Insert the heading from blocks menu. Type / and select the heading block
Add Expandable Heading
Add Expandable Heading

  • Converting an existing heading to expandable by type >> at the beginning of one, then hit space
Convert and unrwap them
Convert and unrwap them

  • Use markdown shortcuts to insert it:
    • >># + space for Expandable Heading 1
    • >>## + space for Expandable Heading 2
    • >>### + space for Expandable Heading 3

To unwrap the content of the expandale heading, just delete the heading and you will be left with the text only.

Allowed blocks for content

Inside the expandable headings, you can use all blocks for content, excepting the expandable heading block.

Here are some examples:

  • You can add here any of the custom blocks available in Archbee's editor

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Updated 17 Feb 2025
Doc contributor
Doc contributor
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