Custom CSS
Hosted and published Spaces can be customized using CSS.
Your CSS changes will only be included on your custom domain. When you preview your published Space, it will not be visible, so you need to publish it to Production.
Choose a space and click on the Settings icon ( ⚙️ ) to open the Space Settings
Look for the Custom Code tab on the Space Settings window
Go to the Custom CSS field
Type the HTML <style> tags
Save your changes in the Custom CSS field.
For security reasons, custom code is only included on a custom domain.
Across the DOM, you will find HTML elements with a CSS class that starts with ab-. You can target these classes to style the portal. These classes are guaranteed never to change so that we don't break your styling when we update the system.
If the element you are trying to style does not have a class starting with ab-, we don't allow customization, and it's mostly to protect you from yourself. For example, if we change the structure, it might impact your styling.
Every element and block in the content section also has a similar class. Below you can find a list of the classes. If you want to check them, please open DevTools in your browser by right-clicking -> Inspect.
This is a list of the current available CSS classes:
OpenAPI CSS classes
The dark mode adds a dark class at the top of the HTML tree, and you can use that to target dark mode styles.
For example, this is how you change the text to red in dark mode: